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Below are a list of suggestions and needs for the French immersion program that we came up with during this study. Do you agree with them? Let us know in our survey.

French Culture Class

A separate yearly class that happens alongside the French course that focuses specifically on different French cultures.

Diverse Learning Activities

Teachers need to have more diversity in the activities and assignments that they do.

Culturally Aware Teachers

Teachers need better knowledge about different cultures within their own classes.

More Intensive French Course

The yearly French course should have more time dedicated to it than a normal class; potentially have an extended period or French year-round in semestered schools

Less of a Grammar Focus

Instead of focusing on grammar, teach more about culture; teach more grammar in action.

Racial Representation in Materials

There needs to be better and more diverse racial representation in classroom materials.

More Courses in French

There should be more options to learn in French, especially in the upper years of the program where you only need a few courses.

French Resources

Resources written and created by Francophones at an age-appropriate level.


Students should be given French resources to improve their French.

Improved Teacher French Proficiency

There should be a summer institute for teachers to improve their French.

Anti-Racism Teacher Training

Teachers need to be aware of what is and is not racist. They should be able to deal with racism as it happens and not perpetuate it.

More French in the School

French shouldn't be confined to a classroom or a corridor, but throughout the entire school.,

Officially Bilingual Province

Making the province officially bilingual will raise the status of the language.

More School Locations

Schools can be hard to get to, more locations would be better.

More Spoken French

Emphasis in French class should be on spoken French as less on written and grammar.


A stricter French policy in French class.


Less translation by teachers and more explanations in French.


Graded discussions and one-on-ones should be used more often.

Exchanges Should be Subsidized

Field trips and exchanges should be subsidized so that more people can go on them more frequently.

Targeted Recruitment

Racial minorities, lower income families should be targeted in recruitment for French immersion.

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